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The World of Dreams

"At times, the World of Dreams feels more natural than Atmos. The material that constructs its dreamscapes is more real to the dream senses than the corporeal realm is to our own bodily senses. This makes the beauty all the more indescribable. No matter how many mediums of communication I utilize, it would never be enough. Despite these difficulties, I find I must do what I can to elucidate my findings in any way possible. After all, the structure of this dreamland has yet to be documented fully.




"Were there a simple way to view the world from above, one would indeed see a globe of a strange sort, reversing in on itself. Within this world are areas that are disconnected from other nearby locations. They are separated by space, or a void one cannot cross. One such location will look similar in all directions, everything fitting a general idea or theme. Yet even in one place, one may find a plethora of different things to hold one’s attention. But these regions of dream space have rules, and one cannot bring into being any concept or idea that violates them.

"Such areas, when explored, go on forever in a loop of sorts. The physical space appears infinite in some places and confined in others. One cannot physically travel on the created plane (habitually horizontal) and leave. One must direct oneself to a new dreamscape through the power of thought, or conscious determination. At times, it may seem like these areas transition between one another, but they do not. In every plane in the World of Dreams, there are also two locations that remain opposite of each other. Nevermore is a dark void where all imperfection falls, whereas Evermore is a light on the horizon that never dims.


"When a person attempts to violate the rules of an area, they may fall into the realm of Nevermore. Here they do not face the threat of disappearing themselves, but they have no power of any sort. All of their creations may reach this level and disappear from sight. This underworld acts as a holding cell for those who cannot handle the overworld. Such people become trapped until they awake. Though there have been few repercussions after my personal visits here, the same cannot be said of those with less experience in my field.

"While Nevermore most notably appears as an underground location with frightening depths, Evermore is frequently viewed as a distant sky. When one is of elevated thought, they may ascend through this great light and use it as a portal to anywhere their heart desires. One can normally choose to reach a particular destination through thought alone, but only through Evermore can a person see all the potentials of dreamland. Every section bleeds together in that white light. Though this point of access acts as an efficient landmark, many souls who approach simply desire to bask in its light. As one closes in on this great center of creation, the area one was in fades from view, and one sees all such worlds in every direction.


​"I can map the general shape of the World of Dreams through the exploration of thousands of lands, but the model I have so far produced is not absolute. I do not know what this place truly looks like from the outside. My own experience may be blurring my sight of the truth, and the one responsible for this world and its creation will ever remain a mystery."

The Dream Dweller, Year 8807 –

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